Marco's Ornamentals Iron Works in Gardena
Let us have a pleasant, lasting impression! Our professionals are ready to listen to your request, and help your contract a decorative heaven based upon your surroundings. From cabinets to staircases, we’ll provide the materials, labor and expertise to put together a package that suits your design aesthetic perfectly.
We specialize in the following:
- Interior Handrails and balconies
- Fabrication of frames, beams, and columns
- Automatic gates and fences
- For block walls and concrete walls
Why risk leaving your design decision in the hands of other companies, when you can find out how to real your specific goals today with the benefit of our years of experience? Simply contact one of our helpful representative and we’ll soon be helping you exceed your own expectations.
Specialist in Interior Hand railings, Bacons, Staircase, Spired Stair Case, Manual Forge Commercial and Residential Fences, Automatic and Manual gate structural, Steel Fabrication,
LA City Certified Welding Lic # P026618
Owned and Estimated
We work in all areas.
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